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On a saturation mechanism of two-upper-hybrid-plasmon parametric decay instability in the second harmonic ECRH experiment

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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (2) 025005 (2017)

On the possibility of reducing the instability threshold of a parametric decay of an extraordinary wave into two upper hybrid waves in an inhomogeneous plasma

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Low-threshold absolute two-plasmon decay instability in the second harmonic electron cyclotron resonance heating experiments in toroidal devices

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Saturation of low-threshold two-plasmon parametric instability of an extraordinary wave in an inhomogeneous plasma

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Trapping of electron Bernstein waves in drift-wave eddies and parametric decay instability at second harmonic ECRH in toroidal devices

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Experimental characterization of anomalous strong scattering of mm-waves in TEXTOR plasmas with rotating islands

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