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Structural dynamics at surfaces by ultrafast reflection high-energy electron diffraction

Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Structural Dynamics 11 (2) (2024)

Condensation of ground state from a supercooled phase in the Si(111)-(4 × 1) → (8 × 2)-indium atomic wire system

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Pulsed electron gun for electron diffraction at surfaces with femtosecond temporal resolution and high coherence length

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Decelerated lattice excitation and absence of bulk phonon modes at surfaces: Ultra-fast electron diffraction from Bi(111) surface upon fs-laser excitation

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Ultrafast electron diffraction from a Bi(111) surface: Impulsive lattice excitation and Debye–Waller analysis at large momentum transfer

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Non-equilibrium lattice dynamics of one-dimensional In chains on Si(111) upon ultrafast optical excitation

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Design and implementation of an optimal laser pulse front tilting scheme for ultrafast electron diffraction in reflection geometry with high temporal resolution

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A general method for baseline-removal in ultrafast electron powder diffraction data using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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Nanoscale interfacial heat transport of ultrathin epitaxial hetero films: Few monolayer Pb(111) on Si(111)

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Towards ultimate temporal and spatial resolutions with ultrafast single-electron diffraction

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Comparing ultrafast surface and bulk heating using time-resolved electron diffraction

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