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Cited article:

Control of a Round Jet Intermittency and Transition to Turbulence by Means of an Annular Synthetic Jet

Zuzana Antošová and Zdeněk Trávníček
Actuators 10 (8) 185 (2021)

Characterization of the effects of a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator on a coaxial jet in a Bunsen burner

E. Pescini, D.S. Martínez, M.G. De Giorgi and A. Ficarella
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 91 292 (2018)

Active control of the jet in coaxial arrangement

Z. Broučková, Z. Trávníček, P. Šafařík, Petra Dančová and Petr Novontý
EPJ Web of Conferences 45 01016 (2013)