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Cited article:

Distribution of Energy Momentum Tensor around Static Charges in Lattice Simulations and an Effective Model

Ryosuke Yanagihara
Springer Theses, Distribution of Energy Momentum Tensor around Static Charges in Lattice Simulations and an Effective Model 121 (2021)

Erratum: A study of stress-tensor distribution around the flux tube in the Abelian–Higgs model

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Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2020 (7) (2020)

BPS strings and the stability of the asymptotic Casimir law in adjoint flavor-symmetric Yang-Mills-Higgs models

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Physical Review D 102 (7) (2020)

4D ensembles of percolating center vortices and monopole defects: The emergence of flux tubes withN-ality and gluon confinement

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Physical Review D 98 (3) (2018)