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Non-intrusive inspection of cargo containers using the C-BORD Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System

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Detection module of the C-BORD Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System (RRTNIS)

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 986 164743 (2021)

Characterization of a medium-sized CLLB scintillator: single neutron/gamma detector for radiation monitoring

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Pawel Sibczynski, Andrzej Dziedzic, Krystian Grodzicki, Joanna Iwanowska-Hanke, Zuzanna Mianowska, Marek Moszynski, Lukasz Swiderski, Agnieszka Syntfeld-Kazuch, Marek Szawlowski, Dariusz Wolski, Aleksandra Dolebska, Wojciech Gesikowski, Jerzy Godlewski, Frederick Carrel, Amelie Grabowski, Frederic Laine, Guillaume Sannie, Adrien Sari, Sandra Moretto, Cristiano Fontana, Felix Pino, Bertrand Perot, Alix Sardet and Cedric Carasco
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