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-wave interactions at the SU(3) flavor-symmetric point with
: A first lattice QCD calculation with the stochastic Laplacian Heaviside method
Heavy Physics Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from QCD
A. Nicholson, E. Berkowitz, H. Monge-Camacho, et al. Physical Review Letters 121(17) (2018)
Evan Berkowitz, M.A. Clark, Arjun Gambhir, Ken McElvain, Amy Nicholson, Enrico Rinaldi, Pavlos Vranas, Andre Walker-Loud, Chia Cheng Chang, Balint Joo, Thorsten Kurth and Kostas Orginos 697 (2018)
High Performance Computing
Evan Berkowitz, Gustav Jansen, Kenneth McElvain and André Walker-Loud Lecture Notes in Computer Science, High Performance Computing 11203 432 (2018)