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Cited article:

The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Magnetization and Elastic Displacement of a YIG Film under a Frequency-Modulated Excitation by an Alternating Magnetic Field

D. A. Pleshev, F. F. Asadullin, V. S. Vlasov and L. N. Kotov
Physics of Metals and Metallography 124 (2) 146 (2023)

The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Magnetization and Elastic Displacement of a YIG Film under a Frequency-Modulated Excitation by an Alternating Magnetic Field

D. A. Pleshev, F. F. Asadullin, V. S. Vlasov and L. N. Kotov
Физика металлов и металловедение 124 (2) 154 (2023)

The Character and Structure of Oscillations of Magnetization and Elastic Displacement Components in a Film under Amplitude-Modulated Excitation

D. A. Pleshev, V. S. Vlasov, F. F. Asadullin, et al.
Physics of Metals and Metallography 123 (3) 276 (2022)