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New approach to the conceptual design of STUMM: A module dedicated to the monitoring of neutron and gamma radiation fields generated in IFMIF-DONES
U. Wiącek, F. Arbeiter, B. Bieńkowska, D. Bocian, J. Castellanos, A. Igielski, J. Kotuła, W. Królas, A. Kurowski, G. Madejowski, R. Prokopowicz, R Ortwein and J Świerblewski Fusion Engineering and Design 172 112866 (2021)
Qualification of a New Differential Calorimeter Configuration Dedicated to Nuclear Heating Rates up to 20 W.g−1
A. Volte, J. Brun, A. Lyoussi, M. Carette and C. Reynard-Carette IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67(11) 2405 (2020)