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Cited article:

Integration of Rucio Metadata in Belle II

Cédric Serfon, Anil Panta, Hironori Ito, John Steven De Stefano Jr, Michel Hernández Villanueva, Paul Laycock, Ruslan Mashinistov, Hideki Miyake, Ikuo Ueda, R. De Vita, X. Espinal, P. Laycock and O. Shadura
EPJ Web of Conferences 295 01025 (2024)

Migration to WebDAV in Belle II Experiment

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A Cloud Demonstrator for Belle II, T2K and Hyper-K

Silvio Pardi, Sophie King, Mathieu Guigue, Aurélien Bailly-Reyre and Marko Bracko
International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics 13 (1) 1 (2023)