European Energy Conference
The European Forum for Energy Research
2nd European Energy Conference
17-20 April 2012, Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Centre, NL
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The second European Energy Conference takes place at a time for strategic decisions. Energy is vital to our society and economy. The future European energy system has to be sustainable in terms of environmental and climatic impact and also in terms of supply and societal acceptance. A resolution of this dilemma is imperative. This is a question to be addressed with objectivity and competence, without ideological bias. The European scientific community has the potential to optimise the necessary interdisciplinary cooperation and communication in energy research, development and support to innovation. This bi-annual European Energy Conference series, launched in 2010, promotes, consolidates and communicates the vitally necessary synergy of scientific and technical competence with appreciation of the environmental and social implications.
The conference provides participants with a view and a vision on how the future of energy in Europe can look like. It is a forum to define the role of energy science and research in the transformation process towards the future European energy system.
Scientific Committee
Fritz Wagner, EPS
Benita Lipps, ESF
Abdelilah Slaoui, E-MRS
Nicola Armaroli, EUCheMS
Hardo Bruhns, German Physical Society, Germany
Sven Kullander, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden
Bengt Kasemo, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Claude Degueldre, PSI, Switzerland
Teresa Ponce de Leao, LETI, Portugal
Martin Greiner, Aarhus University, Denmark
Brigitte Bach, AIT, Austria
Andrzej Gorak, TU Dortmund, Germany
Augustin McEvoy, Switzerland (Scientific Secretary)