Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 10, 2010
New Models and Hydrocodes for Shock Wave Processes in Condensed Matter
Article Number | 00023 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 January 2011 |
Laser shock experiments to investigate and to model various aspects of the response of metals to shock loading
1 Institut P’ (UPR 3346), CNRS, ENSMA, Université de Poitiers, 1 Av. Clément Ader, 86961 Futuroscope Cedex, France
2 Laboratoire d’Application des Lasers de Puissance, PIMM, Arts et Métiers, ParisTech, France
a e-mail:
Laser driven shocks allow studying the dynamic behaviour of condensed matter over small spatial (∼μm to mm-order) and temporal (∼ps to ns-order) scales, at extremely high strain rates (∼107 s−1). They can be used to test the predictive capability of constitutive models over wide ranges of loading pressures and pulse durations. We present experimental results in laser shock-loaded metals (iron, gold, tin), based on various, complementary techniques including time-resolved velocity measurements, transverse shadowgraphy and post-shock analyses of recovered samples. The data are used to investigate several shock wave processes such as yielding and polymorphic transformations, melting, spall fracture and dynamic fragmentation in both solid and melted states. On the basis of comparisons with numerical simulations, the abilities and limitations of several models are briefly discussed.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2010
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