Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 23, 2012
Eurasia-Pacific Summer School & Conference on Correlated Electrons
Article Number | 00002 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 March 2012 |
Explanation of a strange bulk-edge equality
1 Yale University, New Haven CT 06520
2 University of California, Berkeley CA 94720
a e-mail:
In the infrared limit the N-particle ground-state wavefunctions of the bulk happen to be exactly equal to the N-point space-time correlation functions for certain topological superconductors. We explain this [1], beginning with the p+ip state in D=2+1. We write Z(J), the generating function for wavefunctions, as a path Euclidean integral. Varying the chemical potential as a function of Euclidean time between weak and strong pairing states is shown to extract the wavefunction. Upon a Euclidean rotation that exchanges time and space, approximate Lorentz invariance converts the system to one with a spatial edge and Z(J) to the generator of spacetime correlation functions for the edge fields. We also provide a D=3+1 example, superfluid 3He- B, and a pwave superfluid in D=1+1. Our method works only when particle number is not conserved, as in superconductors.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2012
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