Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 37, 2012
MESON 2012 – 12th International Workshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of MESONS
Article Number | 09005 | |
Number of page(s) | 3 | |
Section | Posters | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 December 2012 |
The measurement of Matveev-Muradyan-Tavkhelidze-Drell-Yan processes with SPD detector at NICA. Background studies.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
a e-mail:
SPD NICA project is under preparation at second interaction point of the NICA collider. The purpose of this experiment is the study of the nucleon spin structure with high intensity polarized light nuclear beams. It is argued that the design of the collider can allow us to reach with proton beams a very high collision energy up to √s ∼ 26 GeV with average luminosity up to 1030 − 1031 cm−2 s−1. At the same time, the respective number for deuteron collisions is also quite considerable: at a collision energy per nucleon up to √s ∼ 12 GeV, the average luminosity reaches up to 1029 − 1030 cm−2 s−1. It is of great importance that both proton and deuteron beams can be effectively polarized. The preliminary design of the SPD detector for spin physics studies is based on the requirements imposed by the MMT-DY and J/ψ productions studies. The some sources of background to the MMT-DY process are the combinatorial background from decays (π0, η) and gamma contribution and the decays of charmed-mesons, which are studied now.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2012
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