Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 47, 2013
Hot Planets and Cool Stars
Article Number | 15003 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Future Space Missions | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 April 2013 |
Ultracool dwarf legacy science with ESA's Euclid mission
1 INTA-CSIC Centro de Astrobiologia, Torrejon de Ardoz, 28550 Madrid, Spain
2 ESA Independent Legacy Scientist for the Euclid Mission
a e-mail:
Euclid is an medium-class ESA mission that will carry out a 5 year survey of the extragalactic sky. The science drivers for the survey are cosmological and extragalactic. Nevertheless, the unprecedented depth over such a large area and the diffraction limited spatial resolution of the Euclid survey will have a long lasting impact in many fields of Astrophysics. This paper outlines the legacy science that will come out from Euclid in the field of ultracool dwarfs. In particular, it is foreseen that Euclid will increase the number of resolved ultracool binaries by more than an order of magnitude, and hence it will provide a stringent constraint on models of formation of very low-mass objects. Euclid can also find significant number of rare objects such as young free-floating planets or population III ultracool dwarfs.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013
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