Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 56, 2013
International Workshop NUCPERF 2012: Long-Term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plant and Radioactive Waste Storage and Disposal (RILEM Event TC 226-CNM and EFC Event 351)
Article Number | 06002 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Session 6: Metallic Corrosion | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 July 2013 |
Reinforcement corrosion in alkaline chloride media with reduced oxygen concentrations
Institute of Construction Sciences "Eduardo Torroja", Madrid Spain
It is commonly considered that the corrosion of steel in concrete is controlled by the oxygen content of the pore solution and there are service life models that relate the corrosion rate to the amount of oxygen. It is also commonly believed that in water saturated conditions the oxygen content in the pores is negligible and that underwater there is no risk of depassivation and the corrosion rate is very low. However, the available data on corrosion rates in immersed conditions do not indicate such performance; on the contrary corrosion develops when sufficient chloride reaches the reinforcement. In the present paper, results are presented for tests performed in alkaline chloride solutions that were purged with nitrogen to reduce the oxygen content. The results indicate that at very low oxygen concentrations, corrosion may develop in the presence of chlorides. The presence or absence of corrosion is influenced by the amount of chloride, the corrosion potential and the steel surface condition.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013
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