Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 66, 2014
INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference
Article Number | 03066 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Nuclear Reactions | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 March 2014 |
Synthesis of 250–253No in 206Pb+48Ca reaction
1 Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra - 136119, India
2 Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh - 160014, India
a e-mail:
Published online: 20 March 2014
The dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM) is used to calculate the fusion evaporation residue cross-sections σxn for x=1-4 neutron emissions in the fusion reaction 206Pb+48Ca➔ 254No* at various incident energies. Considering the multipole deformations up to hexadecapole deformations β4i and configurations with “compact” orientation angles θci (θc=20 for 206Pb), the model is shown to give a good description of the measured individual light-particle decay channels, within one parameter fitting, the neck-length ΔR. Considering 204,206,207,208Pb-based reactions, the dependence of 2n-emission yields on the isotopic composition of compound nucleus (CN) is also studied within the DCM. Of the four Pb-isotopes considered, at a fixed excitation energy E*~20 MeV, ΔR is largest for CN with mass number 256, followed by 255, 254 and smallest for 252, which means to suggest that neutrons emission occurs earliest for 256, then for 255, 254 and finally for 252, in complete agreement with experimental data where 256No* has the highest crosssection and 252No* the lowest with 255,254No* lying in between. This result arises due to the penetrability factor, and is related to double magicity of both target and projectile nuclei.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
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