Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 165, 2017
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VIII (NPA8 2017)
Article Number | 01026 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 December 2017 |
Nuclear Astrophysics at ELI-NP: the ELISSA prototype tested at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
1 INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy
2 ELI-NP/ IFIN-HH, Magurele, Romania
3 Facoltá di Ingegneria e Architettura, Universitá Kore, Enna, Italy
4 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universitá degli Studi, Catania, Italy
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Published online: 30 December 2017
The Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility, under construction in Magurele near Bucharest in Romania, will provide high-intensity and high-resolution gamma ray beams that can be used to address hotly debated problems in nuclear astrophysics, such as the accurate measurements of the cross sections of the 24Mg(γ,α)20Ne reaction, that is fundamental to determine the effective rate of 28Si destruction right before the core collapse and the subsequent supernova explosion.
For this purpose, a silicon strip detector array (named ELISSA, acronym for Extreme Light Infrastructure Silicon Strip Array) will be realized in a common effort by ELI-NP and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS), in order to measure excitation functions and angular distributions over a wide energy and angular range.
A prototype of ELISSA was built and tested at INFN-LNS in Catania (Italy) with the support of ELI-NP. In this occasion, we have carried out experiments with alpha sources and with a 11 MeV 7Li beam. Thanks to our approach, the first results of those tests show up a very good energy resolution (better than 1%) and very good position resolution, of the order of 1 mm. Moreover, a threshold of 150 keV can be easily achieved with no cooling.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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