Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 256, 2021
Scientific Workshop on “Nuclear Fission Dynamics and the Emission of Prompt Neutrons and Gamma Rays” (Theory-5)
Article Number | 00016 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 December 2021 |
Fission in a microscopic framework: From basic science to support for applications
1 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87545, USA
2 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560, USA
3 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA
4 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94551, USA
* e-mail:
Published online: 15 December 2021
Recent developments, both in theoretical modeling and computational power, have allowed us to make progress on a goal not fully achieved yet in nuclear theory: a microscopic theory of nuclear fission. Even if the complete microscopic description remains a computationally demanding task, the information that can be provided by current calculations can be extremely useful to guide and constrain more phenomenological approaches, which are simpler to implement. First, a microscopic model that describes the real-time dynamics of the fissioning system can justify or rule out some of the approximations. Second, the microscopic approach can be used to obtain trends, e.g., with increasing excitation energy of the fissioning system, or even to compute observables that cannot be otherwise calculated in phenomenological approaches or that can be hindered by the limitations of the method. We briefly present in this contribution the time-dependent superfluid local density approximation (TDSLDA) approach to nuclear fission, approach that has become a very successful theoretical model in many areas of many-body research. The TDSLDA incorporates the effects of the continuum, the dynamics of the pairing field, and the numerical solution is implemented with controlled approximations and negligible numerical errors. The main part of the current contribution will be dedicated to discussing the method, and recent results concerning the fission dynamics. In addition, we present results on the excitation energy sharing between the fragments, which are in agreement with a qualitative conclusions extracted from a limited number of experimental measurements of properties of prompt neutrons.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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