Open Access
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 108, 2016
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP 2015)
Article Number 02029
Number of page(s) 6
Section Conference Contributions
Published online 09 February 2016
  1. D. Oppermann, A ICANN, o modelo multissetorial e o programa de novos dominios genericos (ICANN, the Multistakeholder Model and the New gTLD Program) (Fonte, 2014), pp. 64–69 [Google Scholar]
  2. M.A.d.S. Mendes, Estilos arquiteturais web baseados em padroes abertos W3c (Fonte, 2014), pp. 85–90 [Google Scholar]
  3. I. Gankevich, V. Gaiduchok, D. Gushchanskiy, Y. Tipikin, V. Korkhov, A.B. Degtyarev, A.V. Bogdanov, V. Zolotarev, Virtual private supercomputer: Design and evaluation, in Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT) (IEEE, 2013), pp. 1–6, ISBN 978-1-4799-2460-8 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  4. A.V. Bogdanov, A.B. Degtyarev, S.M. Lwin, T.K. Lwin, Problems of Development of Complex Multilayered Applications in Distributed Environment, in Proceedings of the 4th Intern. Conf. “Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education” (JINR, Dubna, 2010), pp. 51–56, ISBN 978-5-9530-0269-1 [Google Scholar]
  5. S.S. Ghag, R. Bandopadhyaya, in Software Engineering Frameworks for the Cloud Computing Paradigm (Springer, 2013), pp. 235–254, ISBN 978-1-4471-5030-5 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  6. I. Gankevich, V. Korkhov, S. Balyan, V. Gaiduchok, D. Gushchanskiy, Y. Tipikin, A. Degtyarev, A. Bogdanov, in Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, edited by B. Murgante, S. Misra, A. Rocha, C. Torre, J. Rocha, M. Falcão, D. Taniar, B. Apduhan, O. Gervasi (Springer International Publishing, 2014), Vol. 8584 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 341–354, ISBN 978-3-319-09152-5 [Google Scholar]
  7. S. Doddavula, I. Agrawal, V. Saxena, in Cloud Computing, edited by Z. Mahmood (Springer, London, 2013), Computer Communications and Networks, pp. 197–219, ISBN 978-1-4471- 5106-7 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  8. E. Focht, A. Jeutter, in Sustained Simulation Performance 2012 (Springer, 2013), pp. 51–64 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  9. A. Dworak, F. Ehm, P. Charrue, W. Sliwinski, The new CERN Controls Middleware, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing, 2012), Vol. 396, p. 012017 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  10. J. Lauener, Rda3 transport, materialId=slides&confId=259755 (2013) [Google Scholar]
  11. I. Yastrebov, Rda3 high-level - api & architecture, (2013) [Google Scholar]
  12. W. Sliwinski, Controls middleware renovation - technical overview, (2013) [Google Scholar]
  13. Review of the controls middleware transport architecture and its use of zeromq, (2013) [Google Scholar]
  14. A. Dworak, M. Sobczak, F. Ehm, W. Sliwinski, P. Charrue, Middleware trends and market leaders 2011 (2011) [Google Scholar]
  15. D. Petcu, M. Rak, Open-Source Cloudware Support for the Portability of Applications Using Cloud Infrastructure Services, in Cloud Computing (Springer, 2013), pp. 323–341 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  16. A.V. Bogdanov, A.B. Degtyarev, V. Mareev, N. Y., Flexible Dynamic Pooling of Resources or Service-Oriented Grid Computing (Institute of the Information Society, 2012), 2, pp. 61–70 [Google Scholar]
  17. A. Videla, J.J. Williams, RabbitMQ in action (Manning, 2012) [Google Scholar]
  18. B. Snyder, D. Bosnanac, R. Davies, ActiveMQ in action (Manning, 2011) [Google Scholar]
  19. A.W. Group, Amqp v1.0, (2011) [Google Scholar]
  20. P. Hintjens, ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications (O’Reilly, 2013), ISBN 978-1-4493-3404-8 [Google Scholar]
  21. O. Iakushkin, V. Grishkin, Unification of control in P2P communication middleware: Towards complex messaging patterns (2015), Vol. 1648, pp. 1–4, [Google Scholar]
  22. O. Iakushkin, V. Grishkin, Messaging middleware for cloud applications: Extending brokerless approach, in Emission Electronics (ICEE), 2014 2nd International Conference on (2014), pp. 1–4 [Google Scholar]
  23. V. Grishkin, O. Iakushkin, Middleware transport architecture monitoring: Topology service, in Beam Dynamics and Optimization (BDO), 2014 20th International Workshop on (2014), pp. 1–2 [Google Scholar]

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