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CORTEX experiments – Part I: Modulation campaigns in AKR-2 & CROCUS for the validation of neutron noise codes

Vincent Lamirand, Alexander Knospe, Klemen Ambrožič, Sebastian Hübner, Carsten Lange, Oskari Pakari, Fanny Vitullo, Adolfo Rais, Joachim Pohlus, Uwe Paquee, Christoph Pohl, Nicolas Weiss, Pavel Frajtag, Daniel Godat, Antonios Mylonakis, Axel Laureau, Thomas Ligonnet, Mathieu Hursin, Grégory Perret and Andreas Pautz
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Simultaneous inter-calibration of 160 MiMi neutron detectors

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Ten springs of experiments in CROCUS

Vincent Lamirand, A. Lyoussi, F. D’Errico, M. Carette, M. Joyce, R. Hodák, I. Jenčič, P. Le Dû, M. Morichi, S. Pospíšil, C. Reynard-Carette, L. Snoj and L. Vermeeren
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