Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 253, 2021
ANIMMA 2021 – Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications
Article Number | 04024 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Research Reactors and Particle Accelerators | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 November 2021 |
Local and high distance neutron and gamma measurements of fuel rods oscillation experiments
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland
Published online: 19 November 2021
We report in the present article on the successful observation using noise analysis of the lateral oscillation of one fuel rod by ±2.5 mm around nominal at 0.1 Hz frequency, using an mm3 miniature neutron scintillator at the rod level, and a BGO gamma detector seven meters away from the reactor core center. The experiment was conducted as part of the COLIBRI program in the CROCUS reactor, which is dedicated to the investigation of reactor noise induced by fuel vibrations. It consists in experiments on rod lateral displacement (static) and oscillation (dynamic) with different rods’ numbers at various relevant amplitudes and frequencies. Its main motivation is the increased amplitudes in the neutron noise distributions recorded in ex- and in-core detectors that have been observed in recent years in Siemens pre-Konvoi type of PWR reactors. The obtained experimental data are used for the purpose of code validation, especially within the framework of the European project CORTEX on reactor noise applications. During the first phase of COLIBRI, the observation of a spatial dependence of the perturbation noise, also called neutron modulation, was demonstrated. In the second phase of COLIBRI starting 2021, it is planned to use a core mapping array of neutron detectors to record its propagation. It consists in about 150 miniature scintillators coupled to optical fibers and SiPM readouts, to be distributed in the reactor core. As a feasibility test, experiments were performed using a miniature scintillator prototype placed on a fuel rod, and oscillating the instrumented rod or the one directly adjacent to the detector. In addition, it is theoretically possible to measure branching or perturbation reactor noise using gamma radiation. Following recent developments on gamma measurements in CROCUS, the fuel oscillation was simultaneously recorded with a gamma detection array, LEAF. Its large BGO detectors were used by placing them at the maximum distance to the core, i.e. seven meters away with a clear line of sight using an experimental channel through the shielding of the reactor cavity.
Key words: Reactor instrumentation / miniature neutron detector / neutron scintillator / gamma scintillator / reactor noise / noise analysis / zero power transfer function
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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