Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 6, 2010
ICEM 14 – 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics
Article Number | 28002 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Wood and Wood-based Composites | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 June 2010 |
Damage of Wood-Concrete Composite subjected to variable hygrometric conditions
Université Paris-Est, UR Navier, Laboratoire Central des Ponts
et Chaussées / Ecole des Ponts ParisTech / CNRS,
Champs sur Marne,
a e-mail :
This paper discusses the factors influencing the durability of glued assemblies of wood and cementitious material under variable hygrometric conditions. The composite specimens are composed of cement paste connected to plywood using epoxy glue. The cement paste is subjected to autogeneous shrinkage and the wood is subjected to imbibition test. Plywood is used so that the swelling deformations due to the imbibition process are parallel to the connection plane. Swelling strains in wood are related to the water content measured by gammadensimetry technique. Global strains above and below the glue interface have been measured and have been compared to the free strains. We showed that there are restrained deformations at the glue interface and that the cement paste is damaged. Local strains have been characterized by means of the digital image correlation technique. We showed in particular that the deformations in wood are related to the microstructure of the layers of plywood and that the restrained deformations at the glue interface lead to a bending of the cement paste. In the case of strong adhesion properties, this bending induces cracking in cement paste.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2010
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