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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 6 (2010)

ICEM 14 – 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics

Poitiers, France, 4-9 July, 2010
Fabrice Brémand (Ed.)

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Metallic Materials

Time Dependent Materials


Nanocomposites and Nanostructured Materials

Mechanics of MEMS

Welds and Welding Process

Joining and Assemblies

Structure Analysis

Full-field Measurements and Image Processing

Applications of Optical Methods

3D Measurements

Advanced and Specialized Methods

Environmental Experimental Mechanics

Structural Testing

Multiaxial Testing

Coupled Mechanism Analysis

Identification of Mechanical Constitutive Equations


Composite Materials, Including Natural Fibers and Matrices

Biomaterials, Bio-compatible Materials and Biomechanics

Soils and Geomaterials

Concrete Based Materials

Sandwich Structures

Polymers and Elastomers

Thin Films and Coatings

Smart Materials and Systems

Wood and Wood-based Composites

Shape Memory Alloys

Digital Holography

Digital Image Correlation


Speckle Interferometry

Optical Fibres and Sensors


Ultrasonic Techniques

Identification from Full-field Measurements


Impact Mechanics and High Strain Rate

Testing at Micro and Nano-scale

Structural Dynamics and Vibrations

Fracture and Fatigue

Damage Assessement

Damage Assessment

Residual Stress Analysis

Inverse Problem

Validation and Standards for Dynamic Analyses