Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 108, 2016
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP 2015)
Article Number | 02010 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Conference Contributions | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 February 2016 |
Algorithm for Solving an Optimization Problem for the Temperature Distribution on a Plate
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6, 141980, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
2 Yerevan State University, Alek Manyukyan 1, 0025, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
3 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS, Acad. Georgi Bonchev 8, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria
4 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, , Planckstraße 1, 64291, Darmstadt, Germany
a e-mail:
Published online: 9 February 2016
The work describes the maximization problem regarding the heating of an area on the surface of a thin plate within a given temperature range. The solution of the problem is applied to ion injectors. The given temperature range corresponds to the required pressure of a saturated gas comprising evaporated atoms of the plate material. In order to find the solution, a one-parameter optimization problem was formulated and implemented leading to the optimization of the plate specific geometry. It was shown that a heated area can be increased up to 23.5% in comparison with a regular rectangle form of a given plate configuration.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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