Issue |
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 119, 2016
The 27th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 27)
Article Number | 16016 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Poster Session (Lidar Cloud Studies) | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 June 2016 |
Use of Lidar Derived Optical Extinction and Backscattering Coefficients Near Cloud Base to Explore Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
Optical Remote Sensing Lab, City College of New York, USA
* Email:
Published online: 7 June 2016
Combination of microwave radiometer (MWR) and mutlifilter rotating shadowband radiometer (MFRSR) measurement data together with SBDART radiative transfer model to compute cloud optical depth (COD) and cloud droplet effective radius (Reff). Quantify the first aerosol indirect effect using calculated Reff and aerosol extinction from Raman lidar measurement in urban coastal region. Illustrate comparison between ground-based and satellite retrievals. Demonstrate relationship between surface aerosol (PM2.5) loading and Reff. We also explain the sensitivity of aerosol-cloud-index (ACI) depend on the aerosol layer from cloud base height. Potential used of less noisy elastic backscattering to calculate the ACI instead of using Raman extinction. We also present comparison of elastic backscattering and Raman extinction correlation to Reff.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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