Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 131, 2016
Nobel Symposium NS 160 – Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements
Article Number | 08001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Prerequisites and Perspectives | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2016 |
Status and perspectives of the Dubna superheavy element factory
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russian Federation
a Corresponding author:
Published online: 1 December 2016
In the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (FLNR JINR), construction of a new experimental complex is currently in progress (Superheavy Element Factory), aimed at the synthesis of new superheavy nuclides and the detailed study of those already synthesized. The project includes the construction of a new accelerator of stable and long-lived isotopes in the mass range A = 10–100 with an intensity of up to 10 pμ A and energy up to 8 MeV/nucleon; con-struction of a new experimental building and infrastructure for housing the accelerator with five channels for the transportation of beams to a 1200-m2 experimental hall that is equipped with systems of shielding and control for operations with radioactive materials; development of new separators of reaction products; upgrade of the existing separators and development of the new detection modules for the study of nuclear, atomic, and chemical properties of new elements. The first experiments are planned for 2018.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences 2016
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