Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 153, 2017
ICRS-13 & RPSD-2016, 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding & 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society - 2016
Article Number | 08018 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | 8. Special Sessions | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 September 2017 |
Characterization of the PTW 34031 ionization chamber (PMI) at RCNP with high energy neutrons ranging from 100 – 392 MeV
1 CERN, HSE-RP, Geneva 23, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
2 JAEA, Tokai-mura, Japan
3 KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
4 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
5 AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
6 RIKEN, Tsukuba, Japan
7 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
8 Spring-8 synchrotron radiation facility, Hyogo, Japan
9 Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
10 RCNP, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
a Corresponding author:
Published online: 25 September 2017
Radiation monitoring at high energy proton accelerators poses a considerable challenge due to the complexity of the encountered stray radiation fields. These environments comprise a wide variety of different particle types and span from fractions of electron-volts up to several terra electron-volts. As a consequence the use of Monte Carlo simulation programs like FLUKA is indispensable to obtain appropriate field-specific calibration factors. At many locations of the LHC a large contribution to the particle fluence is expected to originate from high-energy neutrons and thus, benchmark experiments with mono-energetic neutron beams are of high importance to verify the aforementioned detector response calculations. This paper summarizes the results of a series of benchmark experiments with quasi mono-energetic neutrons of 100, 140, 200, 250 and 392 MeV that have been carried out at RCNP - Osaka University, during several campaigns between 2006 and 2014.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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