Open Access
EPJ Web of Conferences
Volume 26, 2012
DYMAT 2012 - 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Article Number 01051
Number of page(s) 6
Section Experimental Techniques
Published online 31 August 2012
  1. “Behaviour of warp interlocks structures under an IEDs attack, application with orthogonal and through- the-thickness interlocks”, Lefebvre Marie, Boussu François, NATO ASI Defence Related Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) Protection, Split (Croatie), April 2010 [Google Scholar]
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  3. “Study of impact behaviour of three warp interlock structures. Comparison with existing protections.” M. Lefebvre, François Boussu, Daniel Coutellier, LWAG 2011, Light-Weight Armour for Defence & Security, Haifa (Israel), 16-17 Mars 2011 [Google Scholar]
  4. “Study of Impact behaviour of three warp interlock structures for armoured vehicle.” M. Lefebvre, François Boussu, Daniel Coutellier, Daniel Vallee, Workshop on Dynamic Failure of Composites and Sandwich Structures, Juin 2011, Toulouse, (France) [Google Scholar]
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  6. Marie Lefebvre, François Boussu, Daniel Coutellier, « Degradation measurement of fibrous reinforcement inside composite material », Proceeding of ICCE 19, July 2011 [Google Scholar]
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  19. Wisetex software, developped by S. Lomov, KU Leuven University [Google Scholar]

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