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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 19 (2012)

Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way

Le Grand-Bornand, France, April 17-22, 2011
C. Reylé, A. Robin and M. Schultheis (Eds.)

ISBN: 978-2-7598-0718-5

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Dark Matter Question: Milky Way Meets Lambda-CDM Cosmology

First Epochs Assembly: Halo Assembly, Streams, Which Timescale?

Inside Galaxy Stubs or Relics of First Stubs: Stellar Populations in the New Milky Way Satellites

Thick Disc Formation: New Observational Constraints and Alternative Scenarios

Disc Assembly: Chemo-Dynamical Evolution, Radial Mixing

Inner Galaxy: Bulge/Bar/Inner Disc Interplay, Role of Mergers

Disc Non-axisymetries: Spiral, Warp, Bar. What Structure, What Dynamics?

How Stars and Interstellar Medium interplay? ISM Large Scale Structure, Stellar Formation, Gas Infall, Galactic Fountains, . . .

Ongoing and Upcoming Surveys

Galaxy Modelling: Stellar Population Models to Dynamics