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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 145 (2017)

ISVHECRI 2016 – XIX International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions

Moscow (LPI RAS), Russia, August 22–27, 2016
B. Pattison (Ed.)

ISBN: 978-2-7598-9018-7

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Open Access

Statement of Peer review

Ground-Based Cosmic Ray and Gamma-Ray Experiments (I)

Ground-Based Cosmic Ray and Gamma-Ray Experiments (II)

Cosmic Rays and Gamma-Rays up to 1018 eV (I)

Astroparticle Physics of Very High Energies

Cosmic Ray and Gamma-Ray Experiments

Balloon and Space Borne Experiments

New EAS Experiments and Techniques

Hadronic Interaction Models

Accelerator Measurements Relevant to CR Studies I

Accelerator Measurements Relevant to CR Studies II

Radio Detection of EAS. CR Studies at Tien Shan Station I

Radio Detection of EAS. CR Studies at Tien Shan Station II

EAS Experiments and Techniques

Hybrid Experiments and Exotics I

EAS Experiments & Muons

Hybrid Experiments & Exotics II

Final Session

Poster Presentations

Open Access

Gamma-ray families with halos: Main characteristics and possibilities of using them to estimate the p+He fraction in the mass composition of cosmic rays at energies 1–100 PeV 19008