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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 146 (2017)

ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology

Bruges, Belgium, September 11–16, 2016
A. Plompen, F.-J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, P. Siegler and S. Oberstedt (Eds.)

ISBN: 978-2-7598-9020-0

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Open Access

Statement of Peer review

Astro Nuclear Physics


Experimental Facilities, Equipment, Techniques and Methods

Open Access

Cross section measurement of residues produced in proton- and deuteron-induced spallation reactions on 93Zr at 105 MeV/u using the inverse kinematics method 03012


Fission Physics and Observables

Open Access

Experimental programme on absolute fission fragment yields with the lohengrin spectrometer: New optical and statistical methodologies 04021


Gamma-ray Strength Functions

Integral Experiments, Benchmarks and Data Validation

Knowledge Transfer

Medical Applications

Nuclear Data for Applications

Open Access

Cross-sections of residual nuclei from deuteron irradiation of thin thorium target at energy 7 GeV 09038


Nuclear Masses, Structure and Decay Data Measurements

Open Access

Reduction in the uncertainty of the neutron-capture cross section of 210Bi: Impact of a precise multipolarity measurement of the 2 → 1 main ground-state transition 10011


Nuclear Reaction Measurements

Open Access

Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the fissile isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF total absorption calorimeter and a fission tagging based on micromegas detectors 11021


Theory of Nuclear Reactions and Structure, Models and Codes