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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 195 (2018)

3rd International Conference “Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications” (TERA-2018)

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, October 22-25, 2018
A.A. Silaev (Ed.)

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Electronic Sources of THz & MW Radiation, Synchrotron Radiation, Free-Electron Lasers

Optoelectronic & Solid-State Sources of THz Radiation

Generation of THz Radiation by Intense Laser Pulses

Quantum Cascade Lasers

Detection of THz & MW Radiation. Metrology in THz Frequency Range

Study of Materials (Including Nano- and Metamaterials) with the Help of THz & MW Radiation. Time-Domain and CW Spectroscopy

Interaction of High-Power THz and MW Radiation with Matter. Application of THz Radiation for the Research and Control of Ultrafast Process in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Terahertz & Microwave Imaging: Tomography, Holography and Near-Field Microscopy

Systems of Security and Non-Destructive Control Using THz and MW Radiation. Remote Sensing with THz Radiation. Communication in THz Frequency Range

Medical and Biological Applications of THz Radiation