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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 274 (2022)

XVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference (ConfXV)

Stavanger, Norway, August 1-6, 2022
A. Rothkopf, N. Brambilla, L. Tolos, A. Tranberg, A. Kurkela, D. Roehrich, J.O. Andersen, K. Tywoniuk, D. Antonov, J. Greensite, M. Faber, T. Schaefer, J. Ghiglieri, J. Goity, B. Ketzer, M. Constantinou, H. Sazdjian, I. Scimemi, N.G. Stefanis, M. Alford, D. Blaschke, J. Marton, A. Schmitt, D. Espriu, Z. Fodor, R. Pasechnik, E. Rinaldi and V. Vento (Eds.)

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1 - Plenary Presentations

2 - Parallel Track A

3 - Parallel Track B

4 - Parallel Track C

5 - Parallel Track D

6 - Parallel Track E

7 - Parallel Track F

8 - Parallel Track G

9 - Parallel Track H