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EPJ Web of Conferences

Volume 287 (2023)

EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2023)

Dijon, France, September 11-15, 2023
B. Kibler, G. Millot and P. Segonds (Eds.)

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Open Access

Statement of Peer review

Topical Meeting (TOM) 1- Silicon Photonics and Integrated Optics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 2- Adaptive and Freeform Optics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 3- Biophotonics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 4- Nanophotonics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 5- Optical Materials

Open Access

Exploiting the natural instability in thin and flexible dielectric solid films for sensing and photonic applications – INVITED 05005


Topical Meeting (TOM) 6- Nonlinear and Quantum Optics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 7- Optical Frequency Combs

Topical Meeting (TOM) 8- Ultrafast Optics

Topical Meeting (TOM) 9- Applications in Optics and Photonics

Open Access

Reducing the Effects of Low Albedo of Asphalt Materials Incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials (PCM) 09024


Focused Sessions (FS) 1- Special Optical Fibers

Focused Sessions (FS) 2- Structured Light

Focused Sessions (FS) 3- Chiroptical Phenomena

Focused Sessions (FS) 4- Machine Learning and Photonic Artificial Intelligence / Optical Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Computing

Opto-electronic Nanotechnologies and Microsystems (ONM)